Overcoming & Debunking the No Money Objection.

The Money Objection is about as real as the tooth fairy.

Before you watch the video at the bottom of this page my advice would be to first read this post, then watch the video. The video reinforces everything I’m about to say in the following paragraphs.

All to often people say they can’t take advantage of opportunities to better themselves and their situations because they don’t have the money.

While in a few small instances that statement may be true on the surface level, on a deeper level, it’s never really about the money, it’s about creativity and the will to win!

Today, whenever I show someone an opportunity who is financially hurting, if they tell me they can’t take advantage of that opportunity because they don’t have the money I never believe it.

What 12 years of experience in the direct sales and network marketing industry has taught me is that it’s not the money. It’s never the money.

The real issue isn’t that they don’t have enough money, it’s that they don’t have enough vision and they don’t believe they’re worth finding the money.

In today’s society it’s not about money it’s about creativity. With enough creativity you can generate money.

There are tons of creative ways to raise money in a pinch. You can pawn things, sell stuff on eBay, Craigslist, have a garage sale, ask a few friends for a little money, ask one or two people for a lot of money, heck you can even sell your blood… and if you do, you save a life and get a free cookie. Bonus!

So how did I become this hardcore and where did get this epiphany?

I’ll never forget the day, it was a few years and I ran across this kid named Brett. He was a young kid about 6 years younger than me and he was in the Army in Fayetteville, NC.

He was struggling financially and wanted to join our business however he legitimately did not have the money in his bank account to get started in the business opportunity we were presenting to him.

However, did he let that stop him?

Heck No! In society’s eyes he had the bank account of a loser, but in my eyes because of the action he took, he had the mind of a leader and the heart of a champion!

He was so was sick and tired of not having the money that when he saw the opportunity we presented him, he saw it as his ticket out and he wasn’t about to not take advantage of it.

He ran to the pawn shop and pawned his prize possession, which was his guitar. He got cash on the spot and used that cash to join the business opportunity we told him about.

The next 30 days he hustled his face off, made a bunch of money and went back and picked up his guitar before it ever even hit the showroom floor to be sold to anyone else.

He won everything and lost nothing. Within 30 days he had his guitar and an opportunity to make money whenever he wanted for the rest of his life in the new business he had started with us.

Today, I have about 100 other examples and stories like Brett’s of people who chose to be creative and do something about their situations instead of complaining about them.

But ever since the day I met Brett, it became pretty apparent that not having the money isn’t an excuse to not take risks and do anything drastic, it’s that much more of a reason to lay it on the line and do something drastic.

As they say “Desperate times call for drastic measures.”

I believe this post and the video above is something that should be shared with every person you ever expose to an opportunity to who tells you they don’t have the money.

I say this because that person’s reaction will reveal their creativity, how hungry they are, their future leadership potential, and if they’re worth working with or not.

People who are future leaders will most likely hear this message and have an epiphany where they choose to get creative make a commitment to find a way to find the money to get started.

Whiners will watch this video, get offended, angry and/or make even more excuses.

Either way this post and video will quickly identify who deserves your time and who doesn’t.

In today’s economy with so many people out there hurting and hungry for change who ARE willing to do whatever it takes, it just doesn’t make sense to waste time with people who aren’t hungry, creative, and willing to think out of the box to figure out ways to come up with the money needed to change their financial situations for the better with your opportunity.

It’s easier to complain then act and most people prefer to choose the path of least resistance. Only champions choose to get uncomfortable, and that’s why we admire them and the reason they end up living so comfortably.

I believe in second chances and think you should followup with and show this post and video to anyone who’s told you they didn’t have the money to take advantage of your opportunity.

I recommend you refer them back to this blog post to see if they have the proverbial “aha moment” and choose to step up and get creative and find the money.

However, if they don’t let em walk, they probably would have drained a lot of your time and quit on you soon anyway.

Why? Well because when things would’ve gotten tough or they hit a roadblock they probably would’ve quit instead of getting creative. I mean, that’s what they’re doing now aren’t they?

Truthfully, I love my team, and people I coach, mentor and work with, but before someone’s committed to identifying themselves as the type of person who always finds a way and figures things you, my attitude has been and always will be some will, some won’t, so what, next, someone else is waiting.

I’m sure you’d agree, when someone wants something bad enough they’ll do whatever it takes to get it and not having enough money will never truly be an obstacle.

What you’ll see in this video is how I handle people who tell me they don’t have the money and how you can too. If you choose to.

This may be a tough message for some, but the leaders will love it and if you’re a guest looking at an opportunity and someone sent you to this page, hang on for the whole video before you make up your mind to hate me…

I might just drop some knowledge on you that will give you a different perspective on things and as the minutes go by on this video, you may even find yourself liking me more and more and agreeing 100% with everything I say.


If you’re excited about what you’re about to learn, click “Like” and the other buttons below.

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How’s your vision and belief? Let’s test it out.

Below you’ll see an opportunity to make a one-time investment into a course that has the potential to take your business to the next level and make you a significant amount of extra money if you choose to participate in our affiliate program and  promote it to others?

Are you going to say you don’t have the money or are you going to get creative and find the money to take advantage of this opportunity? =)

The Immediate YES Formula™ Course is THE Step by Step Blueprint for Sales Pros & Network Marketers who are looking for THE MOST Proven, Tested, & Effective System for Exposing & Closing Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere, on Anything Immediately!

Plus if you’re into Internet Marketing & Online Lead Generation then you’ll LOVE that once you own this course you’ll be able to use it’s High Converting Capture Pages & Offers to Generate Leads for your Primary Business & Earn Overly-Generous Affiliate Commissions simply for spreading the good word about this powerful program.

What others are saying about the Immediate YES Formula Course…


Here’s a Breakdown of Just Some of What You’ll Learn Inside the Course Modules!


Inside, You’ll Discover…

Module #1 – Secrets to closing the most skeptical prospects!
Module 1 The Immediate Yes formula
  • In this video module you’ll get an advanced training on how to close even the most skeptical prospects and how to tell the difference between the objections that can be overcome and ones that can’t and aren’t worth your time. (This time-saving tip will shave hours off your work days!)
  • Why what you’ve been taught about how to approach, present, and close people is most likely elementary and outdated and what you need to do, today in 2013, to trigger your prospects automatic and subconscious “compliance & agreement” buttons so they can’t help themselves from wanting to buy from you immediately.
Module #2Power Questions and How to use the Action Guide & Checklist (9 pages of power questions included!)
Module 2 The Immediate Yes Formula
  • In this module you’ll get a list of Cesar’s personally crafted best questions to ask to help you build rapid rapport, trust, and credibility with your prospects as well as extract their deepest pains, problems, and hot buttons. You won’t hear these “power questions” anywhere else and you’ll even get a 9 page checklist of these questions.
  • You’ll learn how to maximize the IYF Action Guide and Coaching Checklist and how to take any product, service, or opportunity you’re selling and redesign your presentation so that triggers an ‘Immediate YES’ buying response. (Say Goodbye to old days of needing 7-10 follow-up calls or exposures before your prospect buys!)  
Module #3 – How to get Hypnotic Compliance from your prospects and the key to triggering Immediate YES decisions.
Module 3 The Immediate Yes Formula
  • In this module you’ll see an advanced dissection of the Immediate YES Formula’s elements and you’ll learn why people buy things at an unconscious level and how to sell in such a way that your prospect feels unconsciously drawn to buying from you on the spot… and feels good about it. 
  • Here you’ll discover the key to gaining instant hypnotic influence with your prospects and what you need to do to close high ticket deals without your prospects getting nervous and wanting go home to “think about it”. People are taught to take their time when making big decisions. What you’ll learn here will allow you to shift “big ticket items” into the “impulse items” category in your prospects’ minds.   
Module #4 – Rapid rapport building techniques & the secrets to triggering the “love at first sight” emotional response.
Module 4 The Immediate YES Formula
  • Attraction is not a choice! We all have certain subconscious attraction switches hard-coded in our DNA that when hit make us like and love people… even when we planned on hating them. In this module you’ll learn how to flip your prospects attraction switches so they view you as their new best friend and someone that they know, like, and trust.
  • Most people build rapport incorrectly or think they have great rapport built up when they really don’t. In this module you’ll learn how use “info-stacks”, “stack triggers”, and other covert rapport building techniques to create the feeling of a lifelong friendship with anyone within a few minutes. (These techniques also work great if you’re single and dating)
Module #5 – How to build Massive Trust, Credibility, and Authority even if you’re new and you’ve never had success.
Moduel 5 The Immediate Yes Formula
  • Getting someone to buy from you immediately requires you build a ton of trust & credibility fast. Most people don’t know how to do this so it takes them 7-10 follow-ups to close people. In this module you’ll learn how to build so much trust & credibility in one sitting that your prospect won’t feel that they need more time, a second opinion, or more research to buy that same day.
  • In this video you’ll learn how to use Baby Negs & The Weak Strong Combo to build deep trust lightning fast, as well as the 3F Technique, The Align & Agree Method, and the controversial Tell & Show Method to create habitual trust patterns so your prospects believe everything you say and buy exactly when you tell them to.
Module #6 – How to get your prospects spilling their beans and telling you exactly how to sell and close them.
Module 6 The Immediate Yes Formula
  • If people are telling you they don’t need what you have or aren’t interested, it’s because you’re not meeting their needs. This module is jam packed with tons of strategies to help you extract the hidden information you need to speak to their core needs, wants, and desires so they’re practically begging you to buy and join immediately.
  • You’ll learn how implementing The Devils Trick, Interrogation Motivation, Reverse Psyching, V&S theory, and The Revolver Rule will get even the most guarded prospects to open up, be 100% honest with you, and reveal the problems they have that you can solve with your product, service, or opportunity.
Module #7 – How to discover & your prospect’s Pain Triggers and Eliminate “No Money objections” forever!
Module 7 The Immediate Yes Formula
  • If you’re getting “money objections” it’s not the money. You just haven’t found or created a big enough problem to justify them parting with or finding the money. In this module you’ll learn how to find, amplify, and create the problems, that in your prospects mind, can only be solved with your product, service, or opportunity.
  • You’ll learn how Dream Dissection, Confusion Control, and several other strategies will get your prospect confessing their deepest problems, pains, and desires so you can frame what you’re selling to solve them. When you master these techniques you’ll almost never hear “I don’t have the money” again.
Module #8 – How to transform your boring presentation into an Irresistible offer that people Buy Immediately!
Module 8 The Immediate Yes Formula
  • If you want Immediate YES’s and monster paychecks you need to learn how to craft a presentation that people can’t say “No” to. In this module you’ll learn how to precisely engineer your presentation so that it eliminates all potential objections before they come up and makes your prospects salivate to buy your solution immediately.
  • You’ll discover the 3 Core Objections every prospect has, how to overcome them, and how to master Take Aways & NLP Re-framing to eliminate objections. Cesar will also reveal his Never Fail Story Creation Formula, his highest converting closing scripts, and the patented 3Q Close that he’s used to close millions of dollars in sales.
Module #9 – How to Create Urgency, Close with Posture, and get people to Take Action and Buy Immediately!
Module 9 The Immediate Yes Formula
  • If you’re getting people interested, but they’re not buying the same day then this is the module for you! Most people know how to close, but not with posture and in a way that combines anticipation of gain, fear of loss, scarcity, and urgency. After you learn how to do this you’ll find that prospects will practically beg you to buy immediately.
  • Just some of what you’ll learn in this video is how to inject the subconscious triggers that create an Act Now State, how to Eliminate All FORMS of the “Think about it” objection, NLP Re-define Patterns that turn Thinkers into Buyers, The AIDA Formula, and scripts you can use and modify to add urgency into your presentation and close. 
Module #10 – Strategies for tailoring the Immediate YES Formula to any product, service, or opportunity.
Module 10 The Immediate Yes Formula
  • In this module you’ll learn how to take everything you’ve learned in the previous modules to the next level and into the real world. You’ll learn tips and tricks for implementing & integrating the Immediate YES Formula and all the strategies you’ve learned into your sales process so everything becomes second nature and flows seamlessly.
  • You’ll discover the secrets to retaining knowledge, how to best apply and teach the new techniques you’ve learned, and mind hacks that will help you remember everything you’ve learned in this program so that you become an unconsciously competent master closer and practitioner of the Immediate YES Formula sales process.  
“Plus…You’re Getting Over $512 in Extra Bonuses!!”

Bonus #1 The Immediate YES Formula Action Guide Workbook ($97 Value)

IYF Action Guide Standing up
  • A Step by Step Action Guide and workbook that you’ll use to follow along with the training modules and constantly refer back to the rest of your career. Within 5 minutes of going through the IYF Action Guide, you’ll quickly agree it’s perhaps the most comprehensive training manual on approaching, presenting, and closing the industry has ever seen.

Bonus #2 The Immediate YES Formula Perpetual Coaching Checklist ($47 Value)

IYF Action guide checklist

  • Imagine having Cesar personally looking over your shoulder and coaching you before, during, and after every exposure and presentation you do? How much faster would you grow? How much more money would you make? The coaching checklist is crammed with the same questions Cesar would ask you if you paid him thousands of dollars to personally coach you.

Bonus #3 Raw & Uncensored Live Training of The Immediate YES Formula To “High Ticket” Sales Professionals ($97 Value)

  • Watch & Learn how Cesar trains The Immediate YES Formula to a Live Crowd of Sales Professionals… so you can coach your team in the same manner.


Bonus #4 Raw & Uncensored Live Training of The Immediate YES Formula To Network Marketers & Internet Marketers ($97 Value)

  • Watch Cesar’s Award Winning Immediate YES Formula Live Training from the No Excuses Summit 3 in Las Vegas, NV. Out of 20+ speakers, this presentation was voted the #2 training of the entire event and will teach you mastery of the formula while you laugh your butt off. 

Bonus #5 – Cesar’s Top Secret “YES” Optimizing Sales Tool & Online Tracking System ($25 per Month Value)

Top Secret
  • Discover how to tweak and refine your skills with a click of a button and learn how to profit from the “No’s” and increase your closing percentages drastically using this cutting edge sales tool that Cesar spent over $100,000 developing for his personal team. As a bonus, you’ll get this tool and system for free with no monthly fees.

Bonus #6 FREE Affiliate Marketing Partner Membership & Re-Seller Rights ($149 per Month Value!)

  • You’ll get instant access to our Automated Marketing Systems & Tools. You’ll get Banners, Fan Page Templates, Capture Pages, and Free content to give away to help you generate leads for your business & earn generous affiliate commissions from the people who buy this course. Similar attraction marketing systems cost $149 a month, but you’ll get ours for free when you invest in this course today!

(Participating in marketing or re-selling this course is optional)


Here’s How The Immediate Yes Formula Affiliate Marketing System Works in a Nutshell…



The End.

If you choose to take advantage of the affiliate marketing and lead generation system we’ve put together for you, all you have to do is simply share a few of your affiliate links from your back office and let our automated marketing funnels do the work for you.

“Cesar, are you saying that when I Own this Course I’ll also be able to Get Paid to share it with others?”

Answer: YES! And the best part is, it’s super simple, Not an MLM, & it doesn’t interfere with what your already doing! Too many other affiliate programs confuse and distract people from their primary businesses. Our Affiliate Marketing System was built into the course to help you recoup your initial investment, make you money on the side, and generate leads for your primary business, NOT distract you from it.”

“Dude, This is an Awesome Story! I ACCIDENTALLY GOT MY COURSE FOR FREE! After I bought the course and went through it I was blown away! I sent my custom link to 2 people on my team who ended up buying the course immediately! I not only broke even, making my course FREE, the three of us all agreed this course was the best training on closing we’ve ever seen! The craziest part is I didn’t refer this course to them because I wanted to make money off of them, I did because I loved the training and wanted to help them succeed. The money was just a bonus, I would’ve referred it to them for FREE! Thanks Cesar!”
Jeremiah & Valerie Barnett; Carolina Beach, NC

“Are you ready to become our next success story and take your game to the next level?

If so, here’s your opportunity… Take Action, Invest in yourself, and Secure Your Copy of this Course and all it’s Bonuses during this Exclusive Pre-Launch Pricing Period!”

Secure Your Copy Here of…

The Complete Immediate YES Formula™ 10+ Module Course Including All Bonuses & The Lead Generation & Affiliate Marketing System That Pays YOU 25% 50% Commissions Per Sale!

The Immediate YES Formula Course $595

*Pre-Launch Price* Right Now Only $147!

  • The Complete 10+ Module Course With ALL Bonuses
  • The IYF Action Guide & Coaching Checklist
  • Both IYF Raw & Uncensored *Live Training Videos*
  • The IYF Lead Generation & Affiliate Marketing System
  • Membership to our Private Facebook Group & Community
  • Free Updates & Ongoing Marketing Training

The Immediate YES Formula Course $595

*Pre-Launch Price* Right Now

Only $147!

“Always Play to Win, Never Play to Keep From Losing”

Cesar's ironclad guarantee

When you invest in this course today, it’s not the end of our relationship it’s the beginning. Unlike other people who sell you products and throw you to the wolves to figure it all out, you won’t be left in the cold here or communicated to only through emails. You’ll be immediately invited into our private Facebook Mastermind community where you’ll be able to personally interact with myself and several other IYF students. You’ll get continual training and support and you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that you’re a part of a community where you to ask questions 24/7 and know that we’re here to listen, help, and support you in any way. I consider my students an extended part of my family and I love helping my family! =)

To Your Success!Cesar Profile Pic

Cesar L. Rodriguez

– Entrepreneur, Speaker, Trainer, & Creator of the IYF


What Are Other Top Earners &

Industry Leaders Saying?

“I’ve never seen anybody close as well as Cesar and get as many Yes’s. I’ve actually witnessed Cesar perform in person, doing exactly what he teaches, and get folks to take out their wallets and hand over their credit cards. Cesar has this process down to a science and he shares that with you inside his “Immediate Yes Formula” course. So if you’re tired of getting rejected and wish you can get more YES’s, then I highly recommend you check out Cesar’s “Immediate Yes Formula.” And if you are like me… you’ll especially appreciate how it’s laid out in such an easy to follow step-by-step manner”
Raymond Fong; Co-Founder of No Excuses Summit & The Attraction Marketing Formula
“If you want to be good at selling…and you do WANT to get good at selling, you LEARN from someone who has excelled at it. Cesar has mastered the art of selling and is the literal King of getting YES answers from his clients. I say “clients” because if they’re a prospect now, they’ll be a client after they meet Cesar. He’s THAT good. Do yourself and your earnings a HUGE FAVOR and get his stuff now. You’ll learn some amazingly powerful tactics and money-making strategies that are very easy to apply in any line of work. Whether you’re a home-business entrepreneur, a small business owner, a realtor, or you sell anything, Cesar’s strategies work.”
Todd Falcone; MLM Multimillion Dollar Top Earner, Speaker, Coach
Cesar is one of the sharpest guys I know in the industry, and bottom line, THE GUY CAN SELL! Whenever I give someone a testimony, I look at one thing: results. Nothing else matters. Cesar has the results, and you deserve to learn the hypnotic closing skills he’s mastered that makes people HAPPILY say YES even when they didn’t want to! That is POWER and You WANT that Power!
Brian Fanale; Co-Founder of MLSP
If you’re getting objections now, there is a reason why you’re getting them. If you don’t learn how to identify what you’re saying or doing to trigger them and to eliminate those triggers from your sales process, then you’ll continue getting them over and over again, forever and you’ll make about as much progress as a hamster on a wheel. This course taught me how to identify what I was saying… and NOT saying that was triggering the objections I’ve been getting all my life. The bottom line is if you’re sick and tired of getting pummeled with objections and not progressing, go through this course.”
Brad Sykes; Co-Founder Ram Jack Seawall Solutions
As Cesar always says If you’re not where you want to be you’re either not doing something right, or you’re not doing something enough.’ You can achieve mastery in doing the enough by working harder and longer, but after going through this course several times I’m convinced that without this training you’ll never truly master the doing everything right… which is what will allow you to work smarter and not harder and accomplish more in less time, with less people. So if that’s something that would be important to you… and it should be, then you’ll want to buy this course.
Kristin M; Television Actress, Internet Marketing Entrepreneur
This course is amazing! If you don’t go through this course, There’s no telling how many game changing opportunities you’ll miss, promotions you’ll never obtain, levels you’ll never see, hitters you’ll never recruit, and sales you’ll never close simply because you lacked the right words, mannerisms, stories, and closing techniques that you would’ve learned inside this course.
Bob Golden; Director of Sales Karma Foundation
Hey Cesar, we just wanted to drop you a line and say that your training is absolutely incredible. Not only have we recruited 4 new team members this month, but we have our leaders in our team going through the training too. Recently one of our struggling team members rank advanced in less than 48 hours after going though your course & adopting your strategies and there is now less training that we personally have to do. Loving the leverage and how simple it is to plug people into your course. Keep up the good work!
Larry & Kay Gregory; Network Marketing Millionaire Club Members
“If you could only buy one info product, training program, or course this year, this would be the one! Why? Because it covers the most important topic everyone in this world needs more training on, persuasion and influence. You cannot go through this life without having to sell or persuade others. Whether you’re trying to sell someone on dating you, marrying you, hiring you for a job, buying from you, or joining your business, you will, multiple times within your life, have to sell and persuade others. The only question is, what will be the result? If you want to go through this life feeling, empowered, strong, and confident, and in control then you will need you will need to learn the art influence and there is no better instructor than Cesar Rodriguez. He is more than a persuasion artist and expert in behavioral & sales psychology, he is an incredible teacher, philosopher, and coach. If you want to achieve mastery in the art of influencing others casually and covertly, then this is the training for you and Cesar is the instructor you’ve been waiting for. I’ve been through this course multiple times and refer to the Immediate YES Formula Action Guide and Coaching Checklist continually. If you’re serious about your business you can’t afford to be a “penny pincher” not Buy This Course!”
Ross Hamilton; CEO of Connected Investors


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13 Reasons Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore This Training:

  • Reason #1) Because it’s the only training you’ll ever go through that puts an extreme focus on teaching you the many ways of building urgency & covering how to forever eliminate the “I want to think about it” objection… before it comes up.
  • Reason #2) Because you’ll lose significantly more money than this course could ever cost you due to lost sales, missed recruits, and lost opportunities. Opportunities that you may never have a second chance at, but your competition will because as the saying goes“Opportunities don’t go away they just pass on to someone else”
  • Reason #3) Because chances are if this training only ever helped you close 1-2 more people that you would’ve normally missed, the commission you’d make on those sales would more than pay for this course… making your investment more than worthwhile.
  • Reason #4) Because without this training you’ll risk continuing along the same time wasting and frustrating path of prospecting, presenting, and handling objections… only to get polite interest and procrastination rather than heated desire and immediate action.
  • Reason #5) Because you’ll rob yourself of the invaluable skill-set of being able to systematically trigger instant agreement and immediate action from anyone you deal with. Which comes in handy in more situations than just business… Use your imagination & think of all the practical applications of that skill. 😉
  • Reason #6) Because NOT Mastering the steps of this formula means when you do happen to get immediate yes decisions they’ll be by coincidence rather than by formula and design… and because coincidence isn’t duplicatable you won’t know how to repeat those results like you would’ve had you gone through this course.
  • Reason #7) Because some of the biggest deals you’ll ever close and some of the biggest hitters you’ll ever recruit won’t be easy and you’ll want to have all the techniques, tactics, & tools inside this course down pact to ensure you secure those big wins. Missing this training might cause you to strike out on several of those big opportunities.
  • Reason #8) Because “Success is when preparation meets opportunity” and when your biggest opportunities present themselves it’s too late to prepare. You’ll want to be “armed in advance” with the verbal skills, linguistic tools, patterns, and methodologies you’ll learn inside this course.
  • Reason #9) Because you’ll risk wasting far more time talking with way more people than you need to. The better you get at closing, the less people you’ll have to go through to get the same results. If you can get the same results you do now with less people, you’ll be able to work less and play more!
  • Reason #10) Because you’ll risk wasting far more time following up on prospects than you need to. The better you become at getting people to make buying decisions immediately, the fewer time you’ll waste making endless and pointless follow up calls… thus giving you way more time freedom.
  • Reason #11) Because missing the exact techniques revealed in this training on how to properly build massive and immediate rapport, trust, and credibility with your prospects will most likely lead to you getting smokescreen objections that you’ll never be able to overcome.
  • Reason #12) Because if you don’t learn the specific questioning techniques, information gathering tactics, and problem identifying methods taught in this training you’ll risk coming across as salesy and high pressure rather than as a trusted adviser and an expert problem solver.
  • Reason #13) Because as Albert Einstein once famously said “You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it.” So if getting people to say YES hasn’t been as smooth for you as you’d like it to be, then you need to elevate your consciousness by getting fresh new ideas, techniques, and methods such as the ones you’re about to learn inside this Course. =) 

What’s the difference between this sales training course and all the other ones out there?

  • It’s Strong! Do your research, you’ll find that every other sales course in existence trains you how to present, handle objections, and how to push people into buying. This Immediate YES Formula Course teaches you how craft an “objectionless irresistible offer” and shift the posture of your presentation so that your prospects are asking permission to buy from you before you’re done talking.
  • It’s The Perfect Balance! Most other sales courses tend to be either too generic to give you specific tips, tricks, and techniques for your niche or they’re are so specific that what’s taught doesn’t account work for anything outside that niche or for multiple presentation styles such as written sales copy, video presentations, or live 1 on 1 presentations. This training isn’t like those courses and is literally The Perfect Balance.
  • It’s Hardcore! The Immediate YES Formula Course was created by Cesar L. Rodriguez, who hit the top level of his Direct Sales/ Network Marketing company at the ripe age of 24 and made his first Million Dollars by age 29. Now at age 32 he speaks at some of the some of the largest Network Marketing/ Internet Marketing conferences in the country as well as trains for the largest timeshare sales company in the world.
  • It’s Field Tested & Game Proven! Your instructor and coach Cesar Rodriguez isn’t teaching you from a position of theory and didn’t make his fortune selling information products and courses like this one. He made his money exclusively from his efforts in the Direct Sales/ Network Marketing industry and in this course he teaches you how to do the same. In this training you’ll get to leverage his time, experience, successes, and failures so you can cut years off of your learning curve and achieve far than he ever did in a fraction of the time.
  • It’s Tailored to You! The Trademarked Immediate YES Formula Course is unlike anything ever taught by traditional or even nationally recognized sales trainers. The propriety sales process framework taught in this course was designed to teach you how to create your own perfect presentation to sell anything you want to anyone and have THEM Wanting to BUY From YOU Immediately whether it be written, over the phone, through video, or in person.
  • It Deep & Goes Where Other Trainings Don’t! This course doesn’t just teach you how to handle objections it teaches you how identify what triggers certain objections and how to never trip those landmines and set off the natural human psychological triggers that create the skepticism, doubt, and fear that prevents your prospect from buying and instead causes them to give you “I want to think about it” type of objections.
  • It’s Highly Duplicatable! This is a training you’ll want your whole team to go through because it will leverage your time while increasing your team’s focus, production, and sales.
  • It’s Raw & Real! This course doesn’t have you staring at boring PowerPoint presentations or Computer Screen Captures. This training is fun, raw, real, and was filmed to simulate a live coaching session with Cesar Rodriguez sitting across a table from you walking you through the Immediate YES Formula Action Guide & Checklist while enjoying a beautiful outdoor Puerto Rican backdrop… and NO, the backdrop we’re talking about is not his handsome face. =)
  • It’s SNEAKY! But NOT in an dirty underhanded bad way. Let’s face it people love to buy and hate to be sold. So it’s important you learn the art of “Covert Selling”… a selling style developed by Cesar L. Rodriguez, where even though your posture is strong and you’re in control, the prospect feels as if they’re leading the dance so you never look like you’re selling, being salesy, or coming across as high pressure. You’ll learn this art inside this training.
  • It’s Got it All! This Course teaches you: The Mastery of Positioning yourself as a trusted expert, The Art of Getting your Prospects to Sell You as to why YOU should allow THEM to buy, How never set off the landmines that trigger objections, The Secrets to Crafting Urgency, How to Generate Immediate Buying Decisions, and much, much more. You’ll find that in this course, we leave no stone unturned. 
  • It’s a Lead Generating Machine! The major struggle in Network Marketing and MLM is Leads, Sales and Money. The Immediate YES Formula Course was designed to provide you with all three by giving you affiliate links to so you can share our incredible free content to help you generate online leads for your business and we pay you money from sales purchased through your affiliate links so you can generate generate extra income and cash flow that you can re-invest into your business… or whatever you want to use it for. 

A Few More Words From Our Students…

What they’re are saying about our individual course modules!


“YES, I’m Ready to Start Getting More YES’s in My Business Today!”

“I’m All in Baby!”

The Immediate YES Formula Course $595

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“Always Play to Win, Never Play to Keep From Losing”